In Harrod's we shopped,

had Afternoon Tea in the Georgian Restaurant,


and saw the Diana and Dody Fayed memorial in Harrod's basement.
The diamond engagement ring he was to give her is there.

We toured the state rooms of Buckingham Palace. August and September are the only months you can do this because the queen is away at her summer home, Sandringen. We were not able to get to the changing of the guard ceremony.

We enjoyed a wonderful French dinner at L'Escargot and

afterwards went to see "Jersey Boys" at the Prince Edward Theater.

We drove past Waterloo Underground and Train Station.

We had an English breakfast in a kiosk in Russell Square across from the Russell Hotel.

We toured Kensington Palace, where Diane lived with William and Harry

We saw English Bobbies....while waiting to see the Pope go by.

We walked through Trafalgar Square on a beautiful sunny day.

From the London Eye you have a wonderful view of the city and

another pod on the eye,

the Millenium pedestrian bridge,

St. Thomas Hospital where Florence Nightingale started the first school of nursing.

Buckingham Palace,

St. Paul's Cathedral,

the Houses of Parliament,

and the Thames River and Westminster Bridge.

London Underground and Big Ben

Westminster Abbey

Peter, our Beefeater tour guide at the Tower of London. He was great!

Tower Bridge over the Thames River

On our last night in London, we went to Shakespeare's Globe Theater
and saw "The Merry Wives of Windsor."
It was a good trip!