Tonight, Terry and I went to see Jimmy Buffet at the Hi Buys Amphitheatre (formerly Lakewood) here in Atlanta. The last time we went to one was a couple of years ago. That year Joe and Bruce went with us. It RAINED - by that I mean a deluge! We had to wait in the car for 30 minutes until the main downpour stopped, then we wadded through acres (0r so it seemed) of mud up to our ankles. Throughout the concert there was a slow, steady shower of light rain. But, if any of you has ever attended a Jimmy Buffett concert, you know a "little"?? rain never dampened anyone's spirits.
This time, the weather was beautiful - cool, but comfortable, with clear skies, and no mud anywhere in site! We found a great parking spot and made it into the concert in plenty of time to get a t-shirt, drink, and slice of pizza (for ridiculous prices I might add). The music was great as always, and a good time was had by all. However, we have decided that our most favorite Jimmy Buffet Concert was the one we attended at the Waikiki Shell in Honolulu a few years back. So, we figure before a few more years have passed we have to see him there one more time!
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