Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas is Here!

I have finally gotten a little time today to start decorating. I know it's a little late, but then again, for those who read this and know me very well, it will not be much of a surprise. I am notorious for not getting my Christmas greetings out before the big day. I think the record one year was March when I finally got it mailed. A few days ago, when I realized that Christmas was very rapidly approaching, I decided that I would NOT put up a Christmas tree this year, for the first time since we have been married. I would still decorate, but just no tree. Joe was in agreement. I love a big tree and with the time getting so short, it just isn't practical or realistic. This was the year we were going to get an artificial tree for the first time, and I couldn't make a decision on one. Every one I liked was so overpriced, that we just decided to wait until after Christmas and hopefully we can get a deal on a nice tree then. Joe did get the outside lights up last weekend - I figured people passing by would think we were ready for Christmas if they just didn't come inside the house.
Anyway, my prize Christmas possession is now up and in a prominent place in the living room. When we knew we were going to be going to Europe, back in 1970, I promised myself that if I ever got to Germany I would purchase a Hummel Nativity Set. Over the two years we were there, I waited until my last trip out to Frankfurt. Fortunately, the BX had a set on sale, but I still hesitated to spend the $120 dollars (yes, you read correctly). Now, just one of the figurines would cost more than that. I finally purchased and hand carried it home with me on the plane. I had quite a time trying to explain to the German police at the airport that I was carrying figurines and not guns in the long, slender box that held the prize. To this day I still use that box to repack the set every year. Of interest, when I arrived home, very excited about my treasure, another wife commented "Did you get a camel?" A camel did not come with the set, and I was devastated!! As you can see in the photo, I later purchased the camel for the dear price of $75 (almost the cost of the whole set). Each year now, the Hummel Nativity is the first thing to be put out and the last to be packed away. And why not? After all Jesus' birth is the reason we celebrate the holiday in the first place!! Tomorrow I will get the rest done, but tonight I know that Christmas is definitely on the way. The newsletter is gonna have to wait!


Karin said...

It's not Christmas at the Hickox house until the Hummel nativity is out and the real-to-real is playing a little Christy Minstrels, Johnny Cash and Johnny Mathis. I'm listening to Mathis right now. Merry Christmas!!

Barbie Wagner said...

Wow! I ebay'd your nativity set - it's a STEAL at $550 - at least that's the going rate when I looked. It's gorgeous! But even they don't have a camel! - Barbie