Sunday, December 14, 2008


Just a quick note! When Mom realized that Prissy was back to her "old" self, she decided she needed to go back home with her. So, for the time being Prissy is back with Mom. If she gets sick again, we'll have to reconsider. BTW, we had a nice trip down to Joe's hometown and enjoyed getting together with a bunch of his HS classmates for dinner and fellowship. We were pleasantly surprised when Maryanne and Charlie showed up from California. Joe and Charlie grew up together out in the cotton and peanut fields of South Georgia. Almost 25 years ago, we took a nice trip with them - a week long cruise of the Hawaiian Islands. They had just gotten married, so it was their honeymoon, while we were celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary. We had a good time reminiscing. After we spent the night with Joe's sister, Helen, we took her out to Cracker Barrel for breakfast - nothing can beat breakfast at Cracker Barrel!

Joe and Helen at Cracker Barrel

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