Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Women

A week has passed, and I STILL don't have all the Christmas decorations put away!! I worked three full days this past week on curriculum (and got a lot done I might add), and then this weekend at my other part-time "job", testing RN students. It would appear that I, for sure, have "failed retirement." I did get the decorations down, but as you can see from the pics, they are not packed neatly away - which was my original plan. I got about half put away, and when I realized I didn't have enough time, just took everything down and put it on the bed in the back bedroom - hopefully I will get it boxed up tomorrow. The laundry still isn't done either- but fortunately, we still have enough clean clothes to make it a few more days. Have had a couple of long talks with my kids, so that was good quality time that takes priority over some of the mundane stuff anyway. It'll be waiting whenever I get around to it. Hope everyone is doing better than I in getting into the groove of 2009!

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