Sunday, January 4, 2009

Better late than never

Well, as I said in a previous entry, I have regressed into some of my old behaviors (can't really say "bad", but just old). Last Thursday and Friday I spent most of the day getting my annual holiday newsletter together. I had lots of photos I wanted to include after such a busy year. I had a little difficulty honing it down to a reasonable size. Finally ended up with two legal size pages of a collage (or I guess it is two collages), and then added another regular page of additional stuff I wanted to share. I can tend to get a little windy at times, but oh well. Fortunately the total package was under an ounce so I was able to use the Christmas stamps that I had purchased over a month ago without adding additional postage. We found a printer to do the work at a reasonable price and managed to get the newsletter out on Saturday morning. Anyone reading this should get their "Christmas" or more correctly named, "news" letter soon in the mail. What a relief. I have to get back to writing curriculum on Tuesday. I am determined to get all those Christmas decorations packed away and the laundry done before then. Thank goodness I don't have to take down a tree! I knew that would be a good idea. Still looking for a nice "on sale" artificial tree in anticipation of the 2009 Christmas celebration. FYI today I am the mother of a 44 year old son. A week ago, I became the mother of a 47 year old daughter. How is that possible???? And, what does that make me???? Old?? Never!!! I like the terms "wise" or "mature" or "experienced" much better. However, they are both huge blessings in my life, and I am thankful to be around to call and sing "Happy Birthday."

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