Thursday, February 5, 2009

Growing Up

The three younger Turners are spending a few days with Grammy and Grandpa while Mom and Dad take Alison for college orientation at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. This morning before Grandpa drove them to school, we got some pics to share. You will note that Joanna, who is 8, but a 23 year old wanna be, is very stylishly dressed. Also of note is the fact that Daniel, age 15, has obviously hit a "growth spurt" and seems to be very rapidly catching up with Grandpa in height. If you had seen him six months ago, you would have seen that he was just a hair taller than 12 year old Benjamin. Look at him now!! I wonder how many times he has needed new jeans in the last 6 months? And on the sidelines is Snoopy, the Turner's "snoodle"- for those of you who don't know, that is a cross between and schnauzer and poodle. You will note that Snoopy is more schnauzer than poodle, and his personality reinforces it! However, he's been a good boy today.

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