The Wielands, tired after 3 hours in the GA Aquarium
Today we got some great news! Our youngest daughter, Karin, and her husband, Brandon are pregnant!! They have two boys and really would like to have a little girl, but since all the progeny in the Wieland line are boys, figured it wasn't going to happen. Now my theory (with absolutely no research on which to base it - but that it has something to do with the motility and lifespan of sperm) is if a pregnancy is planned it is more likely to be a boy, and the reverse being that an unplanned pregnancy has a better chance of being a girl. Guess what! this is definitely an unplanned pregnancy and surprise to all! Back when Karin was working in a Christmas store during college, I purchased 13 Christmas tree ornaments that had a picture of a baby angel on one side and lines to write in names and birthdates on the other. I only had about 6 grands at the time, but figured I'd need atleast 12 before it was all over, and got #13 just in case one got broken. I have had one break and so there are now only 12 left. This new baby (and I will refer to her as "her" until I know otherwise) will be grand #12 for us. Now is that good planning or what? Of course if another "surprise" should show up, or Karin and Brandon's foster daughter, My Ann, become eligible for adoption I will have to hit the internet to find some more grand "angels." Of note is the fact that after wearing a "Grammy" sweatshirt with only six names on it for many years, I finally ordered a new sweatshirt with the names of all 11 of my "blessings" - wouldn't you know it! Oh well, I can always get a new shirt. Anyone who knows me well, knows how I love to buy little girl things, and so until then, I will be planning on pink for the new little blessing. The other news that they shared is that they are thinking seriously about moving to North Carolina, which would put them 6 hours away from us rather than 16. With Brandon's parents having a beach house on Top Sail Island, and the moderate NC climate (rather than New York's cold and snow), it would seem to be more favorable all around. Needless to say this may not be a good time to move or change jobs, but who knows, God works in mysterious ways and if it is to be, it will be.
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