Today is December 25, probably my favorite holiday of the year. I have learned over the years to just try and not get too "worked up" over a holiday that is supposed to be a celebration of new life! So, when the big day was too quickly approaching, I first decided to not put up a tree. When it got even closer, I regressed into former behavior and did not get my Christmas letter mailed (rationalizing that everyone would enjoy it more after the rush of the holidays). Quite a few years back, Kay, a dear friend of mine, suggested that her family has Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas Day, they just relax and eat leftovers (of which there are always plenty at Christmas time). After spending many years working all day long on Christmas to prepare dinner (and this after having gotten up at the crack of dawn to see what Santa had brought the kids), I thought to my self, "What a great idea." So, now every year on Christmas Eve we have a light (if any) lunch and begin the celebration with a few snacks before having dinner around 5 pm. Our tradition (as started by my Dad many years ago) is to prepare a "roast beast" along with all the trimmings (but not the Yorkshire pudding which my Dad so lovingly prepared- too much cholesterol for the old heart). After dinner and a quick cleanup we head to church for Christmas Eve service - communion, candlelight and carols. We need never forget that "Jesus is the Gift" for which we celebrate. It would not be Christmas Eve without it! Later we went to Kim's for dessert and gift exchange. Earlier today we talked via a skype internet call to Joey and his family. Nowadays modern technology makes it so much easier to keep in touch, than in years ago when we were out of the country and Christmas came around. We were able to see John model the new "night vision goggles" we had sent his way and to talk with all the Hickox grandkids. Tauna, our pseudo adopted daughter called from Phoenix to wish us a Merry Christmas. Karin tried to call us while we were talking to Joey's family, so we'll have to talk with her family later today. Now we are enjoying some much needed R&R and eating leftover hot roast beef sandwiches for dinner! Thanks Kay for that wonderful suggestion those many years ago.